Photos by: Scott Vail   Assisted by: Donna Dannen

Blue Girl
One week old
Litter Number: 1st

Orange Boy
One week old
Litter Number: 2nd

Pink Girl
One week old
Litter Number: 3rd

Teal Girl
One week old
Litter Number: 4th

Black Boy
One week old
Litter Number: 5th

Lime Girl
One week old
Litter Number: 6th


****Click on Photo to enlarge****

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Toys from A.T.

Snuggly Buddies

Toys from "Uncle Rocky"


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The Boys
L-R Orange & Black

The Girls
L-R Teal, Lime, Pink & Blue


Copyright � 2003 2004 Kenosha Samoyeds
Web Design & Graphics by The Dogz Domain