Kenosha's Packed Powder, HCT-s, WSX - "Vail" and CH Summit's Appalachian Trail, WS- "AT"
are the proud parents of 4 girls and 2 boys.

Photos by: Scott Vail   Assisted by: Donna Dannen

Blue Girl
DOB: March 20, 2004
Weight: 12.4oz
Time of Arrival: 10am-10.30am
Litter Number: 1st

Orange Boy
DOB: March 20, 2004
Weight: 17.7oz
Time of Arrival: 10am-10.30am
Litter Number: 2nd

Pink Girl
DOB: March 20, 2004
Weight: 12.7oz
Time of Arrival: 10am-10.30am
Litter Number: 3rd

Teal Girl
DOB: March 20, 2004
Weight: 13.4oz
Time of Arrival: 10am-10.30am
Litter Number: 4th

Black Boy
DOB: March 20, 2004
Weight: 16.4oz
Time of Arrival: 10am-10.30am
Litter Number: 5th

Lime Girl
DOB: March 20, 2004
Weight: 14.7oz
Time of Arrival: 10am-10.30am
Litter Number: 6th


****Click on Photo to enlarge****

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Nicholas meeting one of the puppies
for the first time at the ER

Lori with Vail, when Vail is 
returned from surgery

teal girl in the incubator

vet tech snuggling a puppy



Copyright � 2003 2004 Kenosha Samoyeds
Web Design & Graphics by The Dogz Domain