Information on Samoyeds:

American Kennel Club
Crate Training  
(Learn how to crate train your Samoyed in a variety of methods)
(Pam Barbe's fabulous site for most all your questions concerning the health of your Samoyed. Don't miss it!!)
(Debbie Baird's explanation on how to groom a Samoyed)
("Aboriginal Samoyed Dogs of the Yamal Peninsula", article and photographs by Vladimir Beregovoy)
Organization for the Working Samoyed 
(Learn about all the fun things you can do with your Samoyed)
Samoyed Club of American, Inc.
Samoyed: The Versatile Beauty
(Article by Kent & Donna Dannen from the OWS site)
Samoyeds who have Working Titles


Samoyed Rescue:

Denver Samoyed Rescue

National Samoyed Rescue

Sammy Angels


Copyright � 2003 2010 Kenosha Samoyeds
Web Design & Graphics by The Dogz Domain